Open Meeting: “Internationalising the University”

DAG invites you to its open meeting to discuss internationalisation at the university, due to take place on the 16th of March. Event will be held in English.

Recently, universities in the Netherlands have been struggling with their approach towards internationalisation. At the RUG for example, the extreme anglicastion of degree programs and the controversial Yantai masterplan have sparked intense debate.

However, the discussion has mainly focused on the flaws of the current internationalisation strategies, rather than answering the question: what should internationalisation at the university ideally look like?

To answer this question, Democratische Academie Groningen (DAG) organises an open meeting about the topic where everyone, students and staff alike, is welcome to bring in ideas. The focus will be on the elements that make, or would make, internationalisation a key strength of the modern university.

Date: 16th of March
Time: 15:00-17:00 hours
Location: Snijderzaal, Munting building